No, I'm not talking about politics or religion. I'm talking about food.
Someone will mention sauerkraut, or anchovies, or pork rinds, or Miracle Whip, or god-forbid SPAM. Maybe an adult will put ketchup on their own hot dog, instead of just the kids'.

And before you know it, chaos in the form of a mob as sides are chosen and the shouting begins.
"My Gawd, you actually eat that stuff?" or "Why do you care what I put on my hot dog? I like what I like, you damn food elitist." or "If you'd just TRY it the right way, you'd find you like it better than your way."
I must confess, I'm guilty of that, from both sides of the debate. Sometimes The Boss teases me when I use mayo instead of mustard on certain sandwiches, and I'll grumble that she should just let me eat what I want. Moments later though, I'll try to publicly humiliate someone who puts ketchup on their hotdog. (But honestly, who over the age of 12 puts KETCHUP on a hot dog??!!)

The point is, like politics or religion, sometimes food is something that shouldn't be discussed in public. That's kind of a hard topic to avoid though at a patio party. Certain foods are a divider of people, and like other topics, the sides have been drawn up and everyone has a preference.
Sauerkraut - love it or hate it.
SPAM - love it or hate it.
The list goes on...
Which reminds me of one final question: This summer, will you be "BBQ'ing" or "grilling"?
Until Next Time...
Here's a video put together by a hot dog expert asking the people of Chicago their opinion of ketchup on hotdogs.
Divisively Yours,